Hello Everyone - I was hoping I could get some insightful input regarding this noise I'm hearing. I have a 2014 Jeep GC Summit with all the usually options. Probably most relevant here, maybe, is the QuadLift Air Suspension. The vehicle is running, in park and If I listen close in the area of the driver's side rear wheel well I can hear this repetitive .. only way I can think of describing it is like a very low volume "thump ... thump... thump....." noise. Actually, I think the most accurate way to describe the noise as sounding something like a small either fluid pump, or air type of pump that is pulsing on and off. I'll try to get a recording of it sometime today and post it up here if possible. The only 2 things I can think of would be either a fuel pump issue or something going haywire with the air suspension in that rear. BUT... It's running good, no issues that I can tell anyways, so probably nothing fuel related then ??? And the air suspension - I hear the noise in any of the air suspension modes (ride 1, ride 2, Auto (normal height), & Park/exit). I thought maybe if the park/exit mode made the noise stop, then that would Indicate an air suspension issue. But the noise is still there. I forgot to verify the noise in I turn on the Tire Jack Mode, so I'll check that later this morning.
Anyone out there who's experienced something similar or might have some suggestions ... I'd appreciate any ideas.
Anyone out there who's experienced something similar or might have some suggestions ... I'd appreciate any ideas.